The Hide Installation and Sculpture Showcase is a yearly event offering artists the chance to experiment with placing their work in a green and textured setting in contrast to what is referred in the art world as the ‘white cube’.
For THISS 2024 Alice Sheppard Fidler showcases the work of woman artists whose practices align with hers. These artists come from outside the area and include Freya Gabie, Erika Trotzig, Abi Spendlove, Emma Gregory and Sharon Wylde.
“I am drawn to practices that are interested in transience and impermanence, whether through performance, site specificity, using naturally occurring elements or building structures on the point of collapse. There is something about making work that sits in a state of flux that we artists share.
We are all aware of too much stuff in the world, and too much power in the wrong hands, so we recycle and reuse to make our ideas visible. Our actions are un -monumental, and economic; often rooted in our bodies.
Erika Trotzig
Our work repeats, shimmers, dissolves, collapses and passes through our breath. In a time when war, poverty, global consumption, and finite resources are at a monumental scale, we lean into the micro, to pay attention to, pick at, tease and soothe very human moments and feelings.
We invite the viewer not to delve into each individual practice or work but to hover with it, in the fleeting state. Be open to engaging through the work’s awkwardness, absurdity, economy and tenderness. Less is more.”
Unsettled boundary, Alice Sheppard Fidler 2024
Freya Gabie
Sharon Wylde
Erika Trotzig
Emma Gregory
Abi Spendlove
Lucinda Burgess
Jo Lathwood
Alice Sheppard Fidler