Site Festival is a programme of artist-led projects; events, exhibitions, talks and directory of Open Studios; established in 1997.
11th - 25th June 2022
Site Festival Open Studios : 11th-12th June and 18th-19th June 2022
In June 2022 artists opened their studio doors across the Stroud Valleys over 2 weekends.
Open Studios celebrates the incredible diversity of creative talent that exists here in the valleys, supports artists making a living from their work and builds meaningful connections in the artistic community.
A warm welcome to Open Studios 2022
Taster Exhibition 2022 : Image by Sam Judd
Years ago I had a studio at the top of my cottage, down an impossible Stroud lane on the way to nowhere and everywhere. In those days there was an Open Studios Bus Tour, and minibuses of art lovers would suddenly arrive in the house. The art was everywhere so I’d just open the door and say ‘help yourself’.
For us artists, Open Studios forces us to have a bit of a reckoning and a tidy up - not too much though. Maybe find work we’d forgotten about, maybe do a little curating and definitely have some terrific conversations. I’m not opening mine this year so I can go and have a snoop at everyone else’s. It’s impossible to know how many artists there are here - Stroud has its own magnetic force, something to do with the wonky landscape makes it entirely special, unlike anywhere else, and full of the most excellent people. Follow your nose, see as much as you can and wear a comfortable pair of trainers."
Nick Grellier, artist.
Viewing the Directory
You can find the Gallery of the directory page, or the PDF version here.

Alison Cockcroft, Open Studios Artist, photographed by Simon Pizzey
We set up Open Studios in 1997 when we first moved into John Street Studios. For us it was really important that SVA was not just about the building but about the community of artists who lived out in the five valleys, working away in their spare rooms, sheds and kitchen worktops as well as the more formal studio spaces.
The word OPEN not only reflects the open studio door welcoming curious visitors to discover the wonderful world of the artists studio but also it reflects SVA’s OPENNESS to all artists of all backgrounds, ages, disciplines and experience. Open Studios is not selected and we welcome conversations with artists who may be held back in their practice.
Site Festival Open Studios celebrates the incredible diversity of creative talent that exists here in the valleys, supports artists making a living from their work and builds meaningful connections in the artistic community.
Watch Artist Films
The Artists Network
The Artists Network features local artists who have become a member of SVA, and Open Studios artists get added to this too.
It's a visual directory of artists, a helpful way to browse new works and to find contact information.
On there you will also see 'John Street Artists' which features the artists based here at SVA, which is also well worth a look.
The Taster Exhibition at Stroud Brewery photographed by Nigel Noyes.